Monday, February 2, 2009

Why cant I?

Who says that it can only be done one way! proves you wrong by doing it in a way that you like less! That is just how it can be, don't let any one tell you you can't do what you do because they don't do it like you!

DO everything with the same passion you would apply to filling up your gas tank or writing "rise" on a wall in blood.


Anonymous said...

I guess you can but you suck and nobody wants to hear it so please don't!

Anonymous said...

I stabbed all my troubles away and all I got was a big fat hole in my gut. I demand a refund on this blog post!

Eddie Entropy said...

Columbian neckties for everyone!

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of student flims and let me tell you, your stedent flim is one of the best Ive ever scene! Would you like to be hired to do some vibeo work for our stubio?