When overwhelmed with choices succumb to fear in the decisions presented to you.
The types of endings that your life may feature:
* At least one, but often several, endings depicting a highly desired resolution, often involving uncovering a handsome monetary reward.
* Endings that result in the death of the protagonist, companions of the main character or both, or other very negative endings, because of a fatal choice made in life.
* Other endings that may be either satisfactory (but not the most desired ending) or unsatisfactory (but not totally bad).
* Sometimes we are presented with too many choices and every answer is a dead end. In these situations it is best to die and start over.
I can't decide what to do! There's too many options! Help!
I put in my quarters and all I got back was this lousy blog!
If I could gurgle I could live again.
The death rate, as mentioned above, is believed to have had a great deal to do with Tomino's mental health which he was hospitalized with after Victory Gundam's run.
The death rate, as mentioned above, is believed to have had a great deal to do with Tomino's mental health which he was hospitalized with after Victory Gundam's run.
I've lost everything! My family sleeps on the street!
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