Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Glory and the Gold

There is only one God and that God has bestowed upon me a beautiful new pair of pants! Love God above all other and love my pants more than you love your own life and the bountiful blessings of heaven shall be yours!


The Court Jester said...

I prefer "pantaloons"! said...

Wow Eddie, I'm so happy for you and your pants, you really are a great guy!

AS IF!!!!

You're a great guy to make fun of but not great in any other way.

A:plod said...

Eek Eek goes the rat in the rat pants.

Movieguy1192 said...

I'm a huge fan of the 1986 movie classic "The boy who could fly".

puddi_n_pie said...

I'm a bigger fan of the 1988 porn sequel, "The Boy Whose Pants Could Fly".

Not laughing said...

I hate funnyguy280.