Hello frenids! Fuck all haters who say that Eddie Entropy's DJ skillz are no good, Ed's got the prof that he rock the house! God to blip.fm/EddieEntropy and check out that number of listeners. Eddie braeks the 50 mark mother guckers!
Good day Eddie Entropy. We here at Comcast online billing are delighted to hear that you will be able to pay your internet bill. The total cost in unpaid bills comes to $9,500. We look forward to resolving this billing issue with you and hope you continue to use and enjoy Comcast as your internet service provider.
Good day Eddie Entropy. We here at Comcast online billing are delighted to hear that you will be able to pay your internet bill. The total cost in unpaid bills comes to $9,500. We look forward to resolving this billing issue with you and hope you continue to use and enjoy Comcast as your internet service provider.
Con-brap-ulations pal. I remember the first time I ate 50 pounds of Vienna sausage in one sitting. It was a red letter day.
Fuck you butterball!
I am a DJ and I *DO NOT* love butter. Get your facts straight you fag!
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