You the Shell recognized, "The means of responsible communication that cover would begin when these persons really produce a believable analysis of the baby DNA".
The problem is more distant aggravated, You the Shell said, by the religious state of the Raelians. "We in the means of communication never well we know as manipulate religion like a history. It is a subject incredibly loaded but important. As bad a work as we do cover traditional religions like institutions, we do even worse when it comes treat belief. In the Raelians, you received a strange marriage of belief and public relations, and when adds in sex, babies cloned and flying saucers, you receive a history that is lamentable, but obviously irresistible to many journalists.
you believe in a talking bear that wants to grab your boobs...
Way to go bear! Grab a piece for me!
God is not dead, he's on a family vacation!
Thanks to this bear for making me an Atheist!
I wish you had reported the entire story! This blog is a travesty and I emplore to remove my name from this entry!
You are hot, and your teddy bear is cute, and I believe in OCTAVERSE, with 8 gods, each ruling a one section of the 8 lobed universe. Our verse of the 8 is the worst and most crime plagued. The peaceful verses are self-sustaining and dont need the holy spirit. LOL
This bear has ruined my belief in god. Thanks a lot.
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