I enjoy eating low-fat food options as they have the powerful taste that I enjoy but without all the extra calories. I reccomend to all of you that you really start to "dish up" on the low fat food options. Your taste buds won't be able to tell the difference and your waistline will thank you!
None of us are ever truly free.
I hate freedom.
Obama has a choice, he can either be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations.
I voted!
I enjoy eating low-fat food options as they have the powerful taste that I enjoy but without all the extra calories. I reccomend to all of you that you really start to "dish up" on the low fat food options. Your taste buds won't be able to tell the difference and your waistline will thank you!
Tomorrow in the AM, I cast my first ballot ever for "that one."
"Even hobbits deserve sex... They just have to pay for it."
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