Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Don't Fuck with a WINNER

there ARE a lot of reasons to boe down before Eddie but the biggest reason is, no doubt, that EDIIDE IS A MOHTERFUCKING WINNE!!! Don't fuck with a winner my frenids, the results will bring you down.


Mike said...

Pay me what you owe me FOO!!!!

Sir Alistair Cooke said...

Sir, I must take exception to this blog entry. The concept of you as a winner of anything fails to make sense on the most basic levels of logic.

Angry Gothic Bodybuilder said...

I will crush you like a bug, you fucking loser asshole!

Trophy made of shit said...

The only thing you will ever win is ME!!!!

Lethalcobra said...

What a D bag

Eddie Entropy said...

if you dislike www.edentropy.blogspot.com, why the fuck you looking it up?
Your not going to be anything in life if you keep commenting on something you dont like. I mean seriously, grow the fuck up. Instead of commenting on this blog post or any other blog post/person/thing saying that you hate it, you could be finding something you actualy like.
www.edentropy.blogspot.com is the shit.<3