Sunday, July 5, 2009

It's not personal at all (pt 1n)

Sometimes we say things we don't really mean. Other times teh aliens steal our memory! In the process we are trampling on the ture emotions of others. Oops, you cannot take it back! T3h Ed feels for you, he has been there my frenids! There is nevor any eesy way out. But you are creatif, I'm sure you'll think of something...


An old bitty said...

I would not like a sandwich. I do very much appreciate the offer though. :)

Arya said...

Hay dude.. Whats the life in which pain is not there... try to overcome in this earth everything has solution ... In bettwen pain try to innovate Happyness.... Life is beautinful try to njoy it....

Snoop's Upside Your Head said...

Fo' shizzle my nizzle!!!