Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mourn (Why Are You Always Crying)

Sometimes it hurts when frenids say things that they don"t mean and they say these things meanly.  The eyes of Eddie are not eyes that have never known tears and the mouth of Eddie is not such a liear that it would not admit to the tears.  God frenid, please be coming back into the fold of light and love and don"t turn your head away from the glory of Eddie.  Redemption is always an option, especially in the darkest of twin cities!


Real men don't cry said...

This has to be your most pathetic entry yet you fucking douche bag! Suck it up you big fucking baby.

DTC said...

Please stop cluttering up our message board with your inane and hopeless attempts at being clever. It is not funny or interesting.

A poignant plea said...

Close this blog down.

James-Michael Starling said...

This would be funnier if you weren't serious about it.

MissKimyBabey said...

Sigh...First of all, for everyone who says hes an idiot, or an intolerant, wouldnt you be intolerant as well by not tolerating his intolerability? Haha, are you confused yet? But anyway, I'm Catholic too, and I find some wrong, or at least in me eyes, from him.
Everyone has their opinion, mine is to tolerate homosexuals. If this man doesnt think the same, then remember to love thy neighbour. Harboring hate towards him because he holds another idea different from you is bad. If he is truly doing something wrong, it will come to him one day, or us the other way around.

And for those that think I'm stupid just because I'm Catholic, well, if you havent noticed I dont mind gays. They are living their own lives, its not mine, and theyre not telling me how to live mine, so why do we need to tell them?