Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dead Zone

You can only put off the date so long!

Once the fuse is lit you only have a few seconds to evacuate yourself from this world. Spare those around you the pain and suffering. Remove yourself from existence. It's the gift that keeps on giving this holiday season!


88 Grape Gorillas said...

Hey Bud, Your pal Eddie gonna be joining you real soon!

Matt Hornbostel said...

Then girl in the vibeo is very curt. The reaction sexy makes pants bulge and then brain cells die.

Confucius is confused said...

This beautiful young flower is obviously wise beyond her years!

daymare10110 said...

shit, sorry that was my friend who is all "omg thats horrible!!" personally, I laughed my ass off. which is why i say "hey man, nice shot"