One hundred years after a nuclear war has devastated the planet, society has been reborn into two factions; the underground society of coke peddlers and the addicted coke buyers above in the wastelands. These mutant addicts have grown extra nostrils for enhanced snorting and require coke to perform the simplest of actions like sleeping and urinating. The Peddlers also have adapted to this new society with extra arms for dealing cocaine. Eventually the entire planet will be shaken like a giant etch-a-sketch to make way for a new generation of mother fucking protozoa to swim around peacefully in an ocean of blood.
What a load of horse shit! Everyone knows the world ended in 2000.
Please remove this entry from your blog and your blog from this planet.
You really expect anyone to believe your stupid vision of the future? You are sadly mistaken sir.
I love cocaine!! Your future vision sounds awesome to me!!
Duuuude, I'd totally shack up with this chick in the radioactive future and do a couple lines off her bodacious bod while listening to the latest pop music sensations!
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