Sunday, December 7, 2008

Anatomy of a Hit!

How does Eddie make the sort of hist that he can rock on?? THere are all sort ssof reasons and you got to pay Bruce WIllis a certain amnoutn that you have to pay abceuase the actor amust open movbie with the money you paid thaer movie and the CSI assion and I make the sort og mobies that I waont to see andg if YOUg hoire talenghed bpeople thaey made you colook good.


Anonymous said...

Ahh, isn't that sweet!

As always, Eddie Entropy is right.

Anonymous said...


I love going commando to the tavern in my skirt


Anonymous said...

Wow! Well put Jerry, behind every good man is a good woman and his god.

Anonymous said...

Anatomy of a SHit is more like it!

Anonymous said...

There's not enough explosions in this clip.

Anonymous said...

Please stop this blog, you're killing me.

Anonymous said...

Thank you God and Jesus for the light in the world that is Jerry Bruckheimer!