Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fan Fiction (part one)

There was a time when Eddie Entropy met with the DARK LARD VADER! Eddie's normally brave heart pumped hard as he intered the chamber of the DARK LORD VADER!

"Report!" Demanded the DARK LORD VADER of Eddie Entropy. His voice a rasping, hissing horror show.
"Sir, the rebels... They... They... Lord Vader, they have escarped." Eddie choked the words out. He wondered to himself, will these be the last words I ever utter.
The DARK LORD VCADER threw his arms up in the air and uttered a fericious rasping, hissing scream that echoed through the Death Star. "EDWARD!" He boomed in his rasping, hissing voice.
"Y-yes sir." Eddie stammered in reply.
"Your report, Edward is FASLE!!!!" The hidden thunder of the DARK LORD VADER's voice broke into lightening, a raging, rasping and hissing storm of Sith anger was unleashed in his words.
"Fasle, sir?" Eddie whimpered.

1 comment:

Garymachine said...

This blog is FASLE.