Thursday, December 8, 2011
Google search: Adorable Babies
People tell me this is a very negative blog that does not have much to offer the internet. To those people I say "Fuck you, you cock sucking mother fucker" and I re-direct their browser to this post, one of's most tender and heartwarming entries to date. Even the coldest of assholes is bound to warm up when confronted with such damning evidence. Fuck you!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Gnosis Kicks the Head Clean
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be liberated? Like totally 100% all capital letters LIBERATED?! Eddie thinks about that all the time. He shoots his head and he kicks it with a boot to try to get all of the god damned Demiurge out! Can you feel some sort of new energy rising up my friends? Do you feel the light? Eddie's got the light and he's ready to share it!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
No precious posts
The first rule I teach students in my blogging seminars (held every spring on Monster Island) is NO PRECIOUS POSTS. Nothing is more dangerous than over thinking a blog entry. It's best to just get as much material on the internet as quickly as possible before it fills up. More posts equals a better business model and Eddie fucks a lot of models. This is not a quality control issue. This is not an issue. There are no terrible posts in the hands of a confident blogger. Every post is like a stamp that god puts on an envelope and mails to all the true believers. Do you truly think so?
Fathered Figures
Was I never around when you needed me? Did I sometimes leave for months at a time? It's alright my beautiful little blog, I'm here with you now and forever. Let's face it, bringing up bloggy wasn't easy, but shit damn if this precocious little bastard hasn't taken off like a fuckin' jet! Wow! The web is on fire again with the flames of success!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Guess whose back??
Yeah, so let's get it out of the way, I've gone missing from the land of the bloggins for a little while OK. So the suck what. Who cares?! I get really tired of all you people always asking me about stupid bull's crap like "What are your favorite kitchen tips"? Or ""HOW LONG D O I BOIL PASTA FOR"? or "What is the best way to poach eggs"? I mean, come on people I may be a hero to so mangy but I don't have all the freakin' asnwers!
This time the blogs not going to be about you, it's going to be about me and what I want and amybe you don't get it but what I want isn't going to be to spend all my time talking about cooking techniques. Amybe I boil boil pasta ten minutes for traditional spaghetti and amybe a little less time if it is rice noodles. Amybe I don't like to poach eggs and amybe I love cutting away from the stemm for a green bell pepper so that once I've cut eigh slices the inside comes out easy and without all the fuss. Amybe that's what I like and I'm about and whose going to make anything of it?
This time the blogs not going to be about you, it's going to be about me and what I want and amybe you don't get it but what I want isn't going to be to spend all my time talking about cooking techniques. Amybe I boil boil pasta ten minutes for traditional spaghetti and amybe a little less time if it is rice noodles. Amybe I don't like to poach eggs and amybe I love cutting away from the stemm for a green bell pepper so that once I've cut eigh slices the inside comes out easy and without all the fuss. Amybe that's what I like and I'm about and whose going to make anything of it?
cook off,
german chef,
thanks for the hospitality,
treble clef
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Wands Reverse Too
The Apple of your Eye falls hand in hand with the wands (ones) we hold
Good Life Lives Upright in straight jacket blue screen
Don't Give Up Now - Soon We All Get What we Want
The Beast has been Fed
Don Wand,
feeding frenzy,
New Music,
Pale Noir,
the good life
Monday, April 11, 2011
Triple Wanded One
Eye Baller. Hades Heart.
Quite a Pair Together.
Eye to Eye with a Hollow Heart
Your Work is not Clean. It is appropriate. It is appreciated.
Don Wand,
great job,
the heart and the meat,
virtuous heart
Monday, April 4, 2011
We Never Sleep (the reverse age of cruelty)
Worry and woe drive dreams dead into ground
9 Times Swords Pierce my mind
Your cruel reminder stomps out the last ash of this blood soaked cigarette
Monday, March 28, 2011
Love is a remix
1+1=11 Love is a Feast
Love is a Beast
Love of image overrides the need for individual control
Give your face and craft a new mask
Together we will fall.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
1000 Posts.
Well, well, well. It's an interesting thing when a man reaches a certain age and a blog reaches a certain number. Admit it, you had your doubts. What do you have to say for yourself now? 1000 posts. 1000 posts, again. 1000 shit damning, motherfucking posts. This is a fucking epic occasion. Where are your doubts now my very dear frenids? This blog has eclipsed your life. Have you done 1000 of anything? I mean really, anything whatsoever? The creative effort required to craft this blog is hitherto unknown by the human race. After all of you die, this blog will live on. How does that make you feel? Does that make you feel insignificant? Does that make you angry? Does that make you wish you chose different avenues in your life? Even if you had done something different, you wouldn't have done this. You don't have the guts. You don't have the know it all and you don't have the wheretofor. Only one man, this man, has the raw skill. Envious? I know you fucking are, how could you not be envious? Take a moment, think about your greatest accomplishments. Think about how they PALE in comparison to this blog. THEY DO. Do you think this is easy? Do you think waking up in solitude with no one but this blog for comfort is easy? Could you do it? You could, huh? No way. I'm this blog's only man. Do you think these comments write themselves? Cause you sure don't!!! How many of you ingrates have posted one single comment throughout this blog's unbelievable 1000 post history? Let me answer for you, ZERO. As in, worship it baby. You see, I know none of you have posted any comments because I've had to write each and every one of them myself! Angry Gothic Bodybuilder? That's me. Bilbo Bloggins? Me too! As hard as it is to believe Kanye West and Barack Obama have never posted on this blog...It was me pretending to be them so that I would look cool! Holy fuck, I had to post as a variety members because EVEN THEY wouldn't grace this blog with one solitary comment! I mean, Jeezus Christ people. Who the fuck do you think you are? I'll tell you who you are. You're nothing, you're less than zero. At least nothing doesn't irritate the fuck out of me like you do. If you really wanted to make something out of yourself you would have moved to Los Angeles like I did. Instead you waste away, lost in menial tasks unable to manifest even a single monument of quality equivalent to one of my blog posts. Even the hosts of heaven itself are unable to match this quality. God couldn't do it...that's why God made me. This is it. The culmination of all human now! I have been promised 72 virgin brides upon arrival in Heaven and I plan to collect because God knows I'm not getting any here! The only thing getting fucked around here is YOU by THIS BLOG, baby!!!!, you've come so far. From your early breast feeding this, your 1000th post. In preparing for this post I've re-read every single entry, and like the best books it improves with each reading. It doesn't even make sense how good this blog is. There must be some explanation? But I'll leave that to the annals of history to uncover. In the meantime, gentle readers, yes we can bask in the brilliant glow that this blog offers to our curse of modernity. So all you haters, step up and get served a steaming plate of 1000 posts with a side order of dick punch. This blog ain't goin nowhere...FAST. So step aside and make way for this big beautiful blog as it sashays it's way into your heart and dreams. Little Nemo rode his bed through a world of nightmares and fantastical dreams, when his eyes opened he gasped in astonishment "why does this octopus have 3 heads and how on Earth did this blog get to be so good?". John McCain wakes up screaming every night ", GET OUT OF MY DREAMS!". This is how it can be people. Airplanes crash, people burn their cash, dogs are eating their own tails. I invoked you into the triangle but you still won't listen! Why won't you listen to me? I think I've given you pretty much everything I've got. What more do you want? How 'bout 1000 posts in your honor? I did it all for you, baby. This testament of trash, this wall of filth, this empire of degradation and despair. Who could ask for anything more? Toyota? Fuck them. That's the most dogshit car company on the market. You'd have to be a total fucking loser to drive a Toyota. When I see people driving Toyotas it makes me really sad. Sometimes I wonder about people and I cry. You think tears don't touch these eyes? You think tears don't touch Eddie Entropy? I live my life in tears. If tears were snowflakes. And if tears were kittens then fuck you. I don't have to answer for anything. I'm above reproach. It's every American's right to own a blog and do with it what they see fit. There's no such thing as a bad blog. There's no such thing as a bad baby! No blog is born evil. Sure some blogs make bad choices now and again but who hasn't? has never made a bad choice. Nor has it ever made a bad post. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a person of low moral fiber and they can suck my dick, dick sucking fucker. As you can tell, I have a lot to offer but I have a hard time meeting people. While I love it here, I sometimes get stuck in my hotel room and end up bored, cold and wanting. And I want more than I will ever have because I'm the kind of guy who can take and take and take and never gives back the slightest bit of anything. You want a new God to worship? My face is the appropriate Avatar of the Age Kali Yuga and you can be delivered simply by looking into my eyes and giving unto me the last little bit of hope in your heart, money in your bank, seed in your sack. Don't doubt it baby, this is the Ed of tomorrow and yesterday and there can be no other. You have tried praying and maybe that will work again but I KNOW that your prayers are nothing if they are not directed towards my DIVINE VISAGE. Get down on your knees and give unto Ed your worship. Get down on your knees and cry pure tears onto my corpse cock and breathe life into the final Wilted Waldo of dream drama. This is the dream where you wake up in a house that you imagine was your own but doesn't look like you remember. This is the dream where you fall down a flight of stairs and bleed. This is the dream where you wake up in someone else's bed and there is blood and cum and severed toes and a bottle of baby aspirin on the sheets and the party has not even started. Sometimes I am sad and this sort of sadness cannot be cured by just about anything but your worship. So worship me, I am the only appropriate God for this Garbage Heep Earth. Don't you ever, ever, ever doubt your Eddie. Our holy Ed, who art on blogspot, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done and done real good in Chaska as it is on blogpsot, give us this day our daily post and forgive us our lack of comment, as we forgive for their trespass, and lead us not into livejournal, but deliver us from evil, for is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Super Faded
That light, oh it used to shine like a thousand suns. You could feel the warmth. Now it's cold and blue. That life, some things just aren't for you. You can only have things once you don't want them and what you want you can never have.
lights out,
the haves and the have nots,
what am I?
Friday, January 7, 2011
It's Subjective
It's great being objective because people can't influence you and you can't influence them. You just don't seem to care. Not caring is part of the process. Let's be honest, I care so much about not caring that you won't have to do anything. I'll do the work for all of us.
Take care
Take care
Thursday, January 6, 2011
How can you leave me standing alone in a world so cold?
This is what it sounds like, when snakes lie....
a snake in paradise,
snakes and ladies,
thanks for nothing
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