Sometimes you don't know what to do next. It's not clear where you're supposed to go from here and you're too scared to make a decission. The clues are cryptic and the brain is clouded. In these times the only answer seems to be to put things off for another day. As Glen Yarborough once said "Leave tomorrow till it comes". But how long can we put off living? A month, a year, a decade? Next time you turn the key please consider the next step.
I'm no longer hungry but I still feel empty
I know what your next step should be ed.
more mopey cryptic bullshit stuffed in between the fat jokes. keep it comin' ed.
I've washed my hands of the past.
Treat me like a lady!
use knife on eddie. you can't do that. use poison recipie on eddie. he won't take that on it's own. use poison recipie on bread. you don't have the bread. take bread. you take the bread. use poison recipie on bread. done. give bread to eddie. eddie eats the bread and begins convulsing, his fat rippling through the air as he collapses to the floor in a giant pile of lard.
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