Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mr. Edward Entropy

WHEN Eddie Entropy flies he onbly uses the very best in Heliocoptors. I bet all of you reading this wished that you had the glorious luxury enjoyed by international subparstar Mr. Edward Entropy. Of course this sort of luxury is not meant for people like, it is meant for the elite like Edward. You are a piece of shit and you deserve no transportation outside of a pogo stick. Eddie, howeveer, is great and deserves Harold the Heliocoptor because he's so much the better person. Some day you will die that is not worth forgetting because when you do die you'll leave nothing, not even a memory whereas when Eddie dies he will leave an eternal legand. Kill you and no one cares, Kill Eddie and the world dies with him. Truly yours,
Bilbo Bloggins (the best blogger in middle earth)


Anonymous said...

Superstar?!?! More like POOPERStar!!!!

Anonymous said...

Listen to those helicopters, listen to the sirens. Makin' ya feel nervous, and anguish. 1980's
shit - turn it down. Tone it down.

Anonymous said...

The best blogger in Middle Earth? I beg to differ you half formed twit.

Anonymous said...

We common folk can only dream of being what Eddie is, a fat slob living in his mom's basement falling asleep every night in a half eaten box of pizza.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? A helicopter carrying all 700 pounds of Eddie Entropy would crash on take off and explode in a cloud of fat.

Anonymous said...

That helicopter can't compare to my pogo stick. My pogo stick runs on clean coal technology and gets better mileage than Harold the helicopter.

Anonymous said...


"Even hobbits deserve sex... They just have to pay for it."