Friday, October 3, 2008


I'm scared like I can't tell you. Of all people, you're standing right over there, by that counter. You're in both dreams and you're scared. I get even more frightened when I see how afraid you are and then I realize what it is. There's a man... in back of this place. He's the one who's doing it. I can see him through the wall. I can see his face. I hope that I never see that face, ever, outside of a dream.


Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin has the most annoying beard of anyone I have ever seen cross the street! Why is she allowed to groom and tend to the needs of that hideous monstrosity? And, more importantly, why is no one in the media commenting about this? I'm sensing a conspiracy of Grassy Knoll proportions.

Eddie Entropy said...

David Duchovney? Aren't you in rehab for a sex addiction at some posh LA clinic? Thanks for taking the time to stop in and say hi!

Anonymous said...

I'm scared too.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin was made for you Eddie..
a six pack kind of gal!

-Comets ov stupid

Eddie Entropy said...

I <3 THEE PALIN, she's got Six Pack Abs and a sure shott!

Anonymous said...

Dude, love the new track! Way better than your other shit.