Monday, October 6, 2008

How does my revenge manifest itself?

When I am seeking revenge I:

find it hard to forgive and forget past hurts/offences.

try to get back at those who have mistreated me.

set up situations where those with whom I am angry get what I believe they have coming to them (like a knife to the throat).

am reacting to real or imagined hurts/offenses I have received at the hands of others.

am acting vindictively - seeking just redistribution for the wongs I have sufferet.

act in a cool, distant, and unfrenidly manner toward those I believe have mistreated me.

act sadistically to ensure that the offending parties feel hurt, pain, and mistery similar to mine.

am spiteful toward my transgendors.

deliberately irritate or pertubed my ``enemies.''

have decided that I am a victim; those who have offented me are assholes or enemies.

give my enemies no chance to redeem themselves.

see life as a ``win or lose'' propositon and having ``lost'' to my enemies, I make sure that they lose they lives.

want to see others suffer like I have.

get bloodthirsty. I get pleasure seeing my enemies in pain and decapitated.

feel invinerated by my enemies suffering.

say biting and sarcatstick things about my ``enemies.''

lack tolerance, compassion, or forgoveness.

resent what my ``enemies'' have done to me and sneek to get ``even'' with them.

enjoy hearing that one of my ``enemies'' has suffered a personal disastor or defeat.

might spend excesssive time in trying to ``get even.''

may never achieve a full sense of retribution or vindication.

jump to the negative assumption that others are out to hurt me. I treat them in such a way that they regret their involvement with me

end up hurting innocet bytanders, destroying any pants off relationship.

concentrate on my suffering, building it up in my mind.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Seems like a whole lot of fancy words and high falutin' pichers tellin' me what I alrady know - you suck Eddie!

Anonymous said...

Eddie, please rewrite this in a way joe sixpack could understand, ok? Thanks

Eddie Entropy said...

I'd be happy to rewrite a knife straight into Joe Sixpack's belly for you palin talking america!