honka honka blurble burble klonk... euuuuugh!
Seeing that priest get his face torn off on the cliff reminds me of something funny!
bllaaaaaaggg shiiiiiiiiett gargle retch
I hate this sort of shit. Thanks for ruining my day Eddie, I owe you an ass kicking!
Now this is the sort of video I can really dig on, Ed m'man!
Crush off his face! Bash his brains with a soccer ball! FUCK! KILL! KILL! KILL!
gurgle gurgle glug...
Juggalos of faith fight this filthy representation of our Christian juggalo valeus! WE KNOW how ot fight against those who would thoe us fof a cliff!
Peace, not that when we die we will go to Shangri-la (heaven).
Jesus Christ!
I think I'm going to kill myself.
rickie a ginger fuckwad! ATR is so yesterday you douche.
Im unhappy with the way my life has turned out.
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honka honka blurble burble klonk... euuuuugh!
Seeing that priest get his face torn off on the cliff reminds me of something funny!
bllaaaaaaggg shiiiiiiiiett gargle retch
I hate this sort of shit. Thanks for ruining my day Eddie, I owe you an ass kicking!
Now this is the sort of video I can really dig on, Ed m'man!
Crush off his face! Bash his brains with a soccer ball! FUCK! KILL! KILL! KILL!
gurgle gurgle glug...
Juggalos of faith fight this filthy representation of our Christian juggalo valeus! WE KNOW how ot fight against those who would thoe us fof a cliff!
Peace, not that when we die we will go to Shangri-la (heaven).
Jesus Christ!
I think I'm going to kill myself.
rickie a ginger fuckwad! ATR is so yesterday you douche.
Im unhappy with the way my life has turned out.
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