Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Dog's Breakfast

Too purebred to appreciate trash, too mongrel to be fed veal.

In time we will all enjoy the taste of a dog's lunch. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

New Ideals

They hurt my face. They cut at my eyes.  They laced my food with poison.  They took me to the shed and beat me.  They allowed me water only every two days.  They told me lies about my friends.  They cut off a finger. They left me naked during cold nights. They put me in the sun on hot days. They removed my tongue. Then when they were through with me, they left me for dead.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Connect the Goddamn Dots


Friday, February 17, 2012

Sometimes Not Sad

I know this has been a hard week with death of Wiggly Hootins and all but while looking for another touching memorial video (DEV2.0s tibute to Wiggly called "Wiggly World") I found this GREAT video by Devo in their prime that really inspires me into Happy Moods!  Hope it does the same 4 u!  =)

THEN 1 THING LED 2 ANUTHA and I found other great VIBEO of Devo in PRIME, please be enjoy!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lusers are Osers.

Fuck, this is me right now after i have been smoking a drug! Lol. But this is not laughing matter, drugs are a dangerous disease and they are in America. Some people are saying they are directly responsible for killing Ed's belobed Whiddey Twostones so Ed will have nothing to do with drugs ever again! If you are smoking or injecting a drug you are dead to me and one day you will be dead too just like Rigby Houtron. Think about it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

More Tears For Whiggy :*-(

I have never been so sad in my life as when I learned musical legend Whiggy Hibbens died the just the other day.  She was far too young at only 112 to be taken from this music loving earth.  Hopefully this vibeo I have made of me lipsynching to Ashley Tisdale's wonderful version of Whiggy's most favored clubland hit will help ease some of the pain the world is feeling.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Whibly Houton: A Musical Tibute!!

Do to my sorrow sadness regarding death of Whibly Huston, I have made a cover tribute version of her famous song to Kevin Bacon's Hollywood smash hit movie sensation "The Hollow Manguard". Please enjoy this treat!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

RIP Whitey Housten! (1863-2012)

In terrible news of today the death of singer Whitey Housten has shocked America!  "She is my favorite" said Todd Normendale of Charlotte, NC. Her death by the injection of draino into her eyeball was especially gruesome for her ex-husband "Bad Boy" Bobby Womack who found her dead hanging from an Elk's head at the downtown Super 8 in Sauk Center, MN.  On a personal note, your Eddie was a huge fan and loves all of her songs so much, especially that theme song to "Titanic".

Sunday, February 12, 2012

look into me 0_o

a gift ungiven is no sort of gift, I do not under any degree approve of you or any of what you do.  you are dead to me.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

That Sexy Stare!

A beautiful girl with a pair of bright eyes, selecting hair style and dressing up her will be an enjoyable job. Contribute your talents here!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Please Help!

This worst words imaginable could happen if you were to wake up:  My Blog Is Deleted. Blogger Team, Please Help Me!!!  It takes time and money to run a blog.  THIS IS NOT EASY! For sure, I try to  drive traffic from social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter or YouTube, but still – this is not enuff on its own!  It seems strange that you'd pay enough money to a store like SHOPKO, but now you would never offer me ONE MILLION DOLLARS back when you had to break the gag order over it.  If you did nothing wrong, pay out THAT MUCH MONEY for nothing!  {>:PLEASE!!!

send your money care of this blog in the form of scrotum smelling cash or cashiers' checks made out to Lois Entropy.  Every million dollars counts, do your part today...



Healthy Recriminations

Harm hearted, I give into impulse again and again.  This sort of life would be great if there weren't any repercussions.  Sometimes I get scared about what happens when it comes reeping time.  My own heavy heart has earned me a terrible burden in this life and the three that follow. Even now, my flesh revolts against me and sticks me with pain.  Give into me.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Face Deportation (1)

Breast Gardens

Here is real sexy for people in the GROW!  Sex breast gardens make real growth for the national!  No growing pains here, it's all good to GROW!  Beast girl growing gardens from the nipples of her trees, this English landslide GROW over time into a someting that is beautiful and really meaningfull so you should give yourself time with this lovely blog, like the lady in question, it is bound to GROW on you!  Breast real estate in town, the economy here for horny party love is ever growing!  Don't give up hope that you too can have everything you need, growing pains need not cause dig in dirt pain blood hammer oven.  This is all there is to say.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It's Never Too Late (Eddie's Heartbreaking Story of Sorrow and Triumph)

Many people enjoy wearing pink -shirts and blue jeans - it is hip!  WELL EDDIE WANTS TO BE HIP TOO (as readers of this blog are no doubt aware of).  There's no fear in Mr. Entropy but when he wears purple shirt with pink sleeve highlights you had better believe that he does so with the certainty that this is the official Bobby Trendy way to be. You might think that Eddie is too old to go back to High School, THIS IS A LIE.  High School is a way better experience to an octogenerian than it is to a teen/tween and with his hot fashion sense ready and willing Eddie was sure that his triumphant return to High School would dizzle dazzle his fellow student (hot) bodies.  With his perfect shirt, hotly fitted jeans and raver coral tie necklace Eddie was ready to make the scene.  When Karl, Laura and Lora saw Eddie approach, they tried to turn around and walk away but Eddie's old legs are too strong to let that happen so Eddie ran after.  "Hey cool kids, whassup?" Eddie exclaimed.  "I heard on Myspace (a/k/a the International Cool Place for International Cool People) that you guys were coming to school today, how cool is that cool people?" Eddie said in his sassiest tone.  Karl smirked, Laura rolled her eyes, Lora pretended to look the other way.  Then the trio hurriedly moved away from our Eddie.  Eddie started to cry when he heard Laura say at a distance, "What is up with that guy, can you believe his purple t-shirt.  OMG!" which was followed by a gaggle of giggling.  Mr. Whistler walked by and wondered what was up.  "Nothing is up." Eddie said, dejected by his spurning "I think everything is down.  As in, down in the dumps."  "Well Eddie, the reason that those kids are being mean to you is because you aren't very cool.  I wasn't cool either, yet look at me now!"  Mr. Whistler leaned in closer and put his hand on Eddie's knee.  A tingle ran up through Eddie's thigh straight into his heart.  "Oh Mr. Whistler." he said.

Shopko... The Store for You!

I remember SHOPKO in Grand Forks, MI.  I never sexed in the bathroom there.  I wish I had.  It would have been amazing to have sexed so close to value pharmacy goods.  I bet if I had sexed at SHOPKO I would have a memory worth living for instead of nothing.  It's not that I'm sad... actually, I am miserable.  Can SHOPKO take the pain away?  Even if I was still able to sex with my ancient dick I don't think any girl would want to sex me anymore, least of all in SHOPKO.  I hate myself.

Erbert & Gerberts' Unequaled Quality Submarine Sandwiches

I remember once sexing a girl in the bathroom stall of Erbert& Gerberts in Eau Claire, WI circa 1988.  The scent of freshly baked Erbert & Gerberts submarine sandwich bread was a sexy aphrodisiac for the SEXperience.  Even better, after the sexing we sat down and ate a delicious sandwich.  That was many years ago and my sexcapades are now buried in the past with Ronald Reagan and Quisp but sometimes the thought of those crazy days helps me to deal with the abject misery of today.

State of the Art: Selection and Service as Circuit City

I remember once making sex with a girl in the bathroom stall of the Circuit City in Butte, Montana circa 1988.  What made the experience so sexy was that just outside our carnal stall there was a warehouse-sized room of television and electronics!  Jesus, I am older now and probably couldn't get it up even if I were put in such a situation but the good thoughts keep me warm through cold winter nights.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Don't fogot to voat Nofember 12th!

this message has been brought to you by Funputer

Important Rant about Potato CHiPs

If I had to pick just one snack food (to bring to me on that proverbial desert island) it would be potato CHiPs. I love CHiPs but I’m very picky about them too. The New York Times has a feature on CHiPs in today’s Dining section, in which they list their top 10 CHiPs (in the Multimedia feature). Sadly they don’t mention my favorite brand, Terror CHiPs.
I love Terror CHiPs so much that I used to carry home bags of them in an otherwise empty suitcase, every time I went to Chaska. (I haven’t found Terror Chips outside of the Chaska area…though maybe I wasn’t looking hard enough.) But for the last 2 years or so I haven’t had to do this - because, joy of joys, KM Daily, the no. 1 supermarket chain in the United Arab Emerite, licensed the Terror CHiP name and the technology. I danced for joy when this happened because the standard chip in the UAE really, horribly, sucks. The KM Daily Terror CHiPs cost twice as much as the awful Sultan Sleek brand, but are worth every single dirham.
Keeping on the subject of CHiPs - one thing I do not get at all about CHiPs (or crisps as they are called in the UK) is the European propensity for flavored CHiPs. Can’t European people appreciate the simple elegance and pure potato flavor of a CHiP that is only flavored with salt, or even unsalted? I can sort of appreciate vinegar flavored chips and lemon flavored CHiPs, but I can’t go any further. Even the KM Daily Terror CHiPs suffer from this: they have a luridly green Wasabi CHiP, which is coated with green dyed horseradish powder, and the ubiquitous Paprika CHiPs (for some reason paprika is a very popular snack flavor here). The Greco CHiPs are flavored with feta and herbs, and are not too shabby, but are far inferior to the plain salted CHiP.
The country that is the worst in the flavored CHiP/crisp realm is the UK, where you can find things like Roast Chicken and Cheese and Onion flavored crisps - all variations of fake, MSG-laden powders that only sully the potato beneath. I love many things about Britain but definitely not the crisps/CHiPs!

Don't Delay: Marry a Blog Today

I have no doubt that blogging reality has been changing and inside these changes we can begin to track an evolution of new life forms.  Some life forms have been growing for a while and are now getting closer and closer to emerging into deeper popular consciousness.  If I were to make a guess about the next 5 (five) years bring I would predict an absolute change in the very nature of human blogging interactions.  Soon you will be able to wake up next to your favorite blog.  The blogs you follow will start to follow you.  Around the corner.  To the grocery store.  Into the shower.  This level of interactivity will offer a lot of exciting new possibilities but will also engender a certain degree of human to blog distrust.  If we are not careful this expanding level of distrust could first erode and then eventually destroy our very important relationship.  For this reason and more it is imperative that we make our blogging decisions now rather than wait until the decisions are made for us.

Hot Patty Geomancy


I Be Sheikin' and Sneakin'


Monday, January 30, 2012

My New Hobbey

I have become exercise machine getting out in world and showing it what I got!  Please don't make fun of me, I am doing my best to be strong and fit!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Some things you cannot deny.  The future is a belong to me and these are the way in which I am take it over! Maybe you're a to old or not tuff enuff to understand the cool ways of modern youth cultrue but there's a new storm brewing and this storm is called Social Networking!  At the forefront of this New Wave there is a little website called Myspace.  International Cool Zone for International Cool People is the other name you might have heard it been reefered to.  At the forefront of this Myspace website is one man: Eddie "Fuck You For Your Bikehorns" Entropy.  Yes, that's right and it is official.  Eddie Entropy is the number one Myspace Superstar.  Put that in your pipe and sit on it!