Wednesday, March 10, 2010

a long hard road

please stop fucking emailing me everyone... I KNOW... my blog hasn't been updating lately, it's not FUCKING EASY being Eddie, Entropy.  I've got a lot to do... SKRANK TO SMOKE, PIMPLES TO POP - I don't always have time for my adoring pubic, so just hold your DAMN HOURSES people and gie me room to BREAHEZ!


Disappointed Reader said...

Aw nuts, I thought maybe you had died.

Happy Camper said...

The blog has really improved since you started posting less!

=) said...

Eddie, here's hoping your life keeps you way too busy to post blog entries!

ballbinder man said...

I hate the living hell out of you Eddie, go away and never come back!!

Tiger Woods text messages said...

You felt amazing to baby. How much was your flight by the way