We are the happy Frogs, and these are the days of the week! We love to sing the songs! Coke it up after the show!
MONDAY is my favorite day, it really is a treat! Every every Monday I hip hop jump up and down on my feet!
Tuesday is Terrific! It really is the best! I shot a ton of heroin and now I need a rest!
Wednesday is quite wonderful! The middle of the week! You wonder why they call it hump day? Of that I cannot speak! ;) ;) ;)
Thoroughly Thursday through and through! I cut off my head today, gave it in a box to you!
Friday fucking Friday, I've burned myself out. I'm depressed and want to die today, I'll do so many drugs today the weekend will be a blur of trash and sex and head splitting music. If I don't die, I guess I'll make it to Monday.