Sunday, September 28, 2008

Who Gave the Infection to Whom???

Hey there April,

If you get this message, both our Roll-a-dex's (Phones) died on the same day, wierd fluke, but we lost ALL our numbers, if you can, e-mail your number to us PLEASE at or call us at 1-254-993-1XX6.

I felt so bad after looking for you so long that we only had your number in our phones. Grrrrr.

Dusty's number is not as hard to find, just look up Tony Smith, but yours is going to be hard to get again.

I hope you and your family are doing great, Gene has missed talking to you. He wants to see you so bad, he's working now, but they just changed his schedule around and at this moment, he has alot of time off....I just have a travel phobia, always think the car will break down or something and me not know what to

Call if you get this message...Im going to tell him you posted! He's going to be real excited..


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