Saturday, October 4, 2008

Whatever she lacked in skill she always made up in determination

Sarah pulls a rifle when she was eight, the first animal when she was ten. It was small something, probably a rabbit? "She is a really good blow. I taught it to pull momentum from the dress, fish and hunt for the game. We raised our women to be able to support ourselves — 90 percent of our meat is obtained"


Anonymous said...

Squeaky in 08!!!

Anonymous said...

All ture Americans wil lbe voting for Palin/Squeeky in 2016! We won't have worry about overpopulations of either Mooses or Pigs!

DJ Chazzy Em

Anonymous said...

Girls and gunss both in one video, holy shit!!! I'm votingw with my gun in '08!!

Anonymous said...

Any one have these ladies numbers? Help hook a brutha up!

Anonymous said...

Stay away from mah ladeez, Dick!