Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Red Boner of Courage (Best of April 2010)

I was always a fan of Josh Koenig's portrayal of "Boner" on the sitcom "Growing Pains". As a child I used to try to emulate Richard "Boner" Stabone's no nonsense, new york style tough kid shtick. It really resonated with me and my Irish Italian upbringing. Sometimes my mother would be like "Clean your room" and I'd bark back at her " Ayyy, mom!". Imagine my surprise when I learned he had the courage to do what so few us can bring ourselves to do! To realize when your time is up. To check out respectably instead of dragging loved ones through the mud while we wallow in our own self disdain. It takes a strong man to take this kind of stand. Let's hope we can all muster up a big boner when confronted with life's tough choices!

1 comment:

Oswald (staff historian) said...

One of the highlights of April 2010was Ed's stirring tribute to Josh Koenig, who played "Boner" on TV's "Growning Pains". Ed was obviously moved by the courage Boner showed in his life decissions. This historian refuses to speculate on whether or not Eddie is advocating suicide as a solution here. But one things for certain, with things as bleak as they are it's never been a better time to reflect on this one. Keep those boners red hot folks, with courage!